We hereby give notice that the 2018 AGM for Port Talbot Harriers will be held at the Bar Gallois at 7pm on Monday 20th August.
- Chairperson’s opening remarks
- Nomination of two voting officers
- Agree minutes of previous meeting
- Matters arising from the minutes
- Receive and adopt the Chairman’s/Secretary’s report
- Receive the Treasurer`s report and approve the audited accounts
- Approve any changes to the constitution and rules by a two thirds majority
- Election of Committee Members
- A.O.B
We invite nominations for the following positions on the committee:
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- General Members
Plus nominations for:
- Mens Club Captain
- Womens Club Captain
What is the nomination process?
- Nominations must be received in writing at least 14 days prior to the meeting i.e no later than 6th August 2018
- Nominations can be proposed and seconded by any bona club member and must be signed by the nominee
- Nomination forms are available from Paul Rees during training sessions
The present officers are prepared to stand for office again, if nominated, in 2018/2019:
- Chairperson: Bernie Henderson
- Treasurer: David Kingsland
- Secretary: Liane Thomas
- General Committee: Paul Jelley, Tanya Vaughn, Clare Sim, Jane Harwood, Geraint Jenkins, Cath Court, Caryn Furlow
The current team captains have informed us they are prepared to stand again, if nominated, in 2018/19:
- Mens Club Captain: Gareth Ayres
- Womens Club Captain: Mandy Morris
Details of additional applicants will be available prior to the AGM by email, club’s website and on the Facebook group ‘PTH Talk’.
I look forward to seeing you there,
Bernie Henderson