The threat of COVID-19 is well and truly upon us. With the increase in cases, both locally and nationally, and with the interest of our members and their loved ones health at the core of our decision making process we are CANCELLING ALL PORT TALBOT HARRIERS CLUB TRAINING ACTIVITIES with immediate effect.

We are all faced with a situation that none of us have ever faced in our lifetime and one which hopefully we won’t have to face again. So many feelings that our members are probably experiencing – disappointment of race cancellations, fear for their own health and that of their loved ones , anxiety of not knowing what the next few days/weeks will bring in terms of jobs, income, travel, health and well-being.

We are proud of our club and it’s members and this is a time for us , as a community, to come together. Be wise, be kind, look out for others, respect others views and opinions, help if you can, recover quickly if you are infected and stay safe.

Let’s use our network online to continue to reach out to people and talk. Isolation I am sure will prove to be lonely for many of us if we need to undertake it.

Thank you for all your support through these difficult times and we hope everyone stays as safe, healthy and well as you can.

We as a club will get back up and running/swimming/cycling as soon as it’s safe to do so.

NHS: Information and Advice on the Coronavirus (COVID-19)